UA Multimedia Provides Business Update and Upcoming Initiatives

2023-10-18T05:47:15-07:00October 18th, 2023|

IRVINE, CA (Prism Mediawire – October 18, 2023) UA Multimedia, Inc. (OTC: UAMM), a technology solution provider specializing in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI) and information technology outsourcing, is pleased to present a business update highlighting recent developments and the upcoming

UA Multimedia Appoints Huan Nguyen as New CEO

2023-05-23T05:58:12-07:00May 23rd, 2023|

IRVINE, CA (McapMediaWire – May 23, 2023) UA Multimedia, Inc. (OTC: UAMM), a technology holding company and solution provider specializing in the areas of information technology, blockchain and artificial intelligence, today announced the appointment of Huan Nguyen as its new

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